
elevation time

i am reminded of my former classmate brad who used to burst into song singing "elevation time" to the tune of... kool and the gang's "cel-ebra-tion time, c'mon!" toward the end of the quarter when it was time to really commit to what the hell your building was going to look like from the outside on the street. while conceiving and drawing building elevations make the building seem all the more real...the process is the BANE of my existence...maybe its the committment phobe in me. i am trying to use the st.louis contemporary art museum as a source of material inspiration which is working for me...kinda. the whole mysterious transparency thing...i'm there but the whole blank wall in the city thing....not so much. i mean, i've already had several dreams about jane jacobs shaking the shit out of me. how do i resolve these issues of "good urbanism" making a gestures toward the street etc. with the conceptual underpinnings of the design. maybe if my prof weren't in singapore he could help me with this...actually not, he's the one who suggested the whole facade be jade. ummmm, yeah, what am i supposed to do with that. please tell me. no, seriously.


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