

ran across this gem of statement in the recent "Talking Cities: The Micropolitics of Urban Space" monograph/mag and linked to archis.org :

"Don't ask what architecture can build for you; ask what it can do for you.

Don't wonder where you can find a client; ask where you are needed.

Don't cover architecture; discover it.

Architecture beyond Architecture:

Think about situations and opportunities that nobody has yet thought of.

Think about an architecture that would no longer respond simply to what is given: an architecture that would not be reactionary but actively pursue it challenges.

Think about moments when architecture can make a difference, even without clients, a budget or specific locations; by intervening with decisive concepts and powerful scenarios to shift deadlocked discourse and role play.

Think about architecture as a strategic intelligence, a medium for developing cultural concepts, a mode of thinking, a tactic for social intervention, a strategy to mitigate conflict-a weapon to fight a battle, a metaphor for the rest of the world.

Think about an architecture liberated from building.

Now go practice unsolicited architecture. "

That's statement that gets my blood pumpin....might have to make it a mantra =). There are a number of other great articles including one on itenerant architecture and one on the detroit collaborative design center...definitely worth the 19 bucks. pick it up.


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